Monday, April 14, 2014

What To Eat Before a 5k Run

The day before a 5k run, what do you eat?

It's pretty plain and simple; carbohydrates.
Pasta and bread are typically what most athletes swear on before a big race, competition, game, etc.

But what do you eat the morning of?

This is where most people draw a blank. What most don't realize about fueling before a big game or race, is that it's not just about the dinner the night before. While this is still important, it's not the key to success. In fact, it's the WHOLE ENTIRE WEEK and of course most certainly the morning of the actual event.

Because let's be honest. Do you really believe eating a pint of Ben & Jerry's a couple days before competition is really going to effect your performance? NO. It will already be flushed out of your system by then! Same goes for dinner. The big heaping plate of pasta you ate the night before...all gone by race time.

Breakfast is where most people are stumped. You don't want to eat too much to discomfort your stomach, but at the same time you don't want to be starving.

Complex Carbohydrates are your answer.

Yes, it's that magic word again; carbohydrates.

Here are some good examples of breakfasts to eat 2-3 hours before the morning of your race:

1. Whole wheat toast (or half of a bagel) with 1-2 Tablespoons of Peanut butter, and slices of banana.

The wheat toast and the banana are carbohydrates that can be easily digested. It's not too heavy on the stomach, and will give you the essential fuel you need before a race. Peanut butter is a healthy fat and a good source of protein to also help performance. I would stick to only 1-2 tablespoons because while peanut butter is a healthy fat, it does contain a lot of fat and too much can be detrimental to the stomach and can cause discomfort. If you're allergic to peanuts, try almond butter. You could also add some jam or jelly to spike up your sugar levels a bit. You don't want your blood sugar to be too low before a big race.

2. Oatmeal

This is  my favorite pre-race breakfast. Oatmeal is a complex carbohydrate which is easily digested, and has good fiber. The fiber will help flush out your system before a race, and will keep you satisfied and full of energy. You can mix in peanut butter for some extra healthy fat and protein, or add in some raisins for a good source of iron and boost of energy.

3. Cheerios and Banana

Cheerios are easy on the stomach and can easily be digested. You could add milk if you like, but it could give you some digestion issues if you're tolerant to lactose. While cheerios are easy to digest, they aren't too eat a banana. The potassium will spike up your blood sugar to give you some good energy for game day.

4. Granola Bar

These work wonders my friends. These are great to eat before a race especially if you want some good fiber and protein. You don't want to eat a bar that is too high in protein because it may cause some discomfort and over-bloat. A good bar with about 4-8 grams of protein is good for race-day. Some good examples are Nature Valley Granola Bars, or Quaker Oatmeal Squares.

Now go eat one of these breakfasts, and tell me how your 5k goes!

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